Maywood, IL is a small town 15 minutes outside of Chicago that has over time developed the notorious nickname “Murdawood.” In the late 1960’s and early 70’s, crimes emerged due to the closings of housing projects in Chicago. Many African Americans migrated to Maywood from ghettos all over the city. At that time people were not very accepting of their new neighbors, and poverty only added fuel to the fire.
Today, Maywood is rich with hidden gems and culture. The people here are talented artists, scholars, musicians, politicians, beauticians, athletes, entrepreneurs, and historians.The town is so rich with hidden gems and culture.
Out of Maywood emerged a young hero with a promising future as a professional boxer. He is someone that not only Maywood, but the state of Illinois can believe in. The young champion is known as Martez McGregor.
He attended the Fred Hampton Scholarship Fund award ceremony this summer and plans on working with leaders and youth in the Maywood/Chicago-land community. When he is not putting in blood, sweat, and tears in the world famous Sam Colonna Boxing Gym, he is taking care of his family.
Turning down contracts left and right, Martez McGregor is literally fighting for FREEDOM! His boxing matches are known to last just a few seconds; so spectators are encouraged to arrive early. Currently 3-0 with 3 knockouts, two out of the three fights he’s had recently lasted 2 minutes and 28 seconds, COMBINED. Martez has the power of Mike Tyson and is faster than greased lightning.
Check back for more info of upcoming fights!
#21Seconds …..You won’t have time to buy popcorn.